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1. How many pizzas does this mix make?

Answer: This mix makes two 10” pizza crusts. A 1/4 inch thick is recommended.

2. Do you need to dust the table with flour?

Answer: It helps, choose any flour you’d like. This mix requires no kneading.

3. What is the recipe preparation and cook time?

Answer: Prep time takes 10 minutes, and total bake time, with toppings is 40 minutes.

4. What do you do if the dough dries out while rolling it out?

Answer: If the dough is too dry, use the extra 1oz of water; while you roll out the dough, wet your hands and pat the edges of the crust.

5. What do you do if the dough sticks while rolling it out?

Answer: We recommend lifting the dough occasionally to prevent it from sticking to your surface.